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"Marketing Is No Longer About The Stuff That You Make,But About The Stories You Tell"
-Seth Godin-

Category: Online Marketing

January 7, 2019 - By 5 min Read

The Story of Instagram: Burbn to Billions

If anyone asked me which app I used most, I would say Instagram without giving any second thought. How did such a startup, manage to…

November 16, 2018 - By 5 min Read

Whatsapp for Sri Lankan Businesses

I use Whatsapp for more than 3 hours a day. How many do you? Whatsapp since its inception in 2009 has grown to become the…

October 19, 2018 - By 6 min Read

Top E-mail Marketing Platforms for Sri Lankan Businesses

Email marketing is the oldest form of digital marketing starting 40 years ago from 1978 by Gary Thuerk who concluded the first Email marketing campaign…

September 27, 2018 - By 5 min Read

Top 5 Youtube Tech Channels in Sri Lanka For Influencer Marketing (2018)

Influencer Marketing is an efficient marketing strategy in which focus is placed on influential people and not the target market as a whole. This strategy…

January 2, 2017 - By 5 min Read

Facebook Marketing In Sri Lanka & Why You Should Try It Right...

Facebook marketing in Sri Lanka is a relatively less popular marketing tactic when compared it with the world. ‘Facebook is where teenagers go to fritter…

November 1, 2016 - By 5 min Read

How effective is your online marketing strategy?

The first step to a successful online marketing strategy is to looking closely into the overall requirements of your company, These days, a good online…

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