Thilina and I met with Manoth, Eshan(Our Digital Marketing Executive) and Kelum (our Chief Technical Officer), at the conference-room to discuss our plans on changing to sell products made by differently-abled people instead of selling T-shirts. After a few minutes of discussion we had different opinions in the room. We realized that our plan on carrying out this task would have a higher chance of failing because of Kelum’s opinion which stood out.
After discussing the point with the team Thilina decided to give consideration to it because of the time consuming aspect. Oh boy! We are back at square one. After discussing for a few more minutes we decided to stick to the initial idea of selling clothing items online for now. Ahh, I’m gonna get T-shirts finally!
Since Kelum was present, Thilina went on to talk about the technical aspects of the website. A long discussion on which Content Management Systems (CMS) to use followed. Here are the key points.
The options on the table were WordPress, Magento, Shopify, and Wix. (Content Management Systems are software applications which are used to create or manage digital content)
Wix was immediately eliminated from the list because it was not very versatile in building E-commerce websites unlike the other three platforms.
Magento was a very viable option, but was dropped because it is not a very user friendly platform to get started even though it has some advanced E-commerce facilities.
Shopify which was one of the favourites on the list was also put down because it was not an open-source platform and the lack of Shopify developer support and flexibility.
WordPress seemed to be the most suitable option since it was popular and very user friendly. We chose WordPress because we already have a good WordPress development team and it is an open source platform. Many of DoMedia’s existing clients use WordPress. Therefore WordPress it was.
Thilina also scheduled a meeting with our web designer Lakshika to select a suitable design for the website for the website so that development can begin. I am excited to see how this is proceeding.
How would you like to have an article explaining these Content Management Systems (CMS)? Let me know in the comments if you would like to.
Guys meet the Manchester United supporter of DoMedia.

“Hey what’s up guys! Eshan Divanka here.A Die hard football fan, someone who keeps having vivid dreams of success until I go to bed.
I joined as a Digital Marketing Executive for DoMedia. Basically handling monthly Avg $40K Digital Campaigns for our valuable clients.
Learning, improving and discovering new prospects of the current digital marketing world to provide up-to date digital solutions for our clients is just more than a passion for me.”
Meet our CTO at DoMedia.

“Hello! I’m Kelum Dhananjaya.Old movie lover, having a crazy dream to go on a long road trip on a RV (My mind is crazy on old movie locations).
I joined DoMedia (at that time DOWEBY) as a Web developer 4 years ago.
Currently I’m more focused on web application projects and consulting our development team to make DoMedia technical arm stronger.”
More to come. Stay Tuned.
Our Previous Issue: #3 Starting Something: The Survey