Urban Crunch ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ - Food

Online Food Delivery Website (E-Commerce Website Revamp)

Project Highlights

Page Speed Increased by 35.41%
Bounce Rate Reduced
Increase in Enquiries
Revamped Online Presence
Loading speed 4 seconds


One of the challenges they had was they are not selling food for 1 serving instead they have packages for 10 meals, 15 meals, 20 meals etc. ย so the customer gets to select all the meals they want for 10, 15 or 20 people. Making the order quick manner and showing all the products with prices was a challenge.


Redesigned all the pages in a way that increases the user experience of the website. Analysis a method to add bulk of items and developed the website, which the content can be updated very easily. Also redesigned the ordering system, which the customers and employees always interact. ย 


Developed a new design to select meals and made the website in a way that is easy for the clients to handle, easy to update prices on the site, easy view reports and update all the contents on the website. Increase the functionality of the ordering system with less delay for the customers to set the bill and get the food.

Visual highlights

Mobile Responsiveness

Increase the user experience on mobile since they had more than 80% of customers coming from mobile devices.ย Develop the website in a way that is compatible with all mobile devices. Tested on most of the device according to the data collected from the last website that they had.

Unique Colors


Project Summary


  • WordPress
  • PHP
  • Woo-commerce


  • Website Design

Client details

A client, who has a good understanding of the new concepts of the business. Much helpful in information collection. Always try to improve the business with new technology.

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